Young adult ministry

Camelback Young Adult Ministries exist to support young adults in their relationship with God and with each other building. The ministry will provide discipleship in the following areas:

  • Study of God’s Word: helps to connect to Jesus and to equip to share Him with others
  • Outreach: provides opportunities to serve the church and community
  • Fellowship: builds relationships through various social activities
  • Global Mission Emphasis: gives an understanding of the needs of people in other countries through mission stories, projects and trips

Ongoing Programs:

Camelback Young Adults and Youth Activities- 

    • Young Adult Women’s Group on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm
    • Men’s study group on Wednesday Nights at 7:00 pm 
    • Friday Night Bible Studies
    • “The Welcome Home Project” (First Friday of the Month at 7:00 pm  in the Rotunda)

Conference Wide Exclusive Youth Adult Activities

Conference Wide Youth and Young Adult Activities

For questions (480)987-3781