
Who are We?

Simply Put: We are World Changers!

Young People between the ages of 10 and 15. We meet once a week or once every other week to develop talents, skills, and a taste for nature.

In a world where our “Teens spend nearly nine hours every day consuming media”. We provided programs for our youth that train them to develop skills and fitness in many areas such as camping, hiking, climbing mountains, biking, kayaking, and exploring nature.

In our program, young people learn camping skills including cooking outdoors, and wilderness survival. They learn how to work in teams. They can help in times of calamities, actively helping people in need in our communities. We want them to build character and be responsible youth in communities.

We help youth to be disciplined and have a good moral compass based on the Bible. We fight against the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. In everything we do, we promote the loved of God.

The Pathfinder Club is represented in more than 160 countries with 90.000 clubs and more than two million participants and is an official program of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.