September 28, 2020
I felt impressed to share The Great Controversy and another little booklet by Amazing Facts about the Second Coming of Jesus with a client. I asked God to make it clear if He wanted me to do that at this time in the person’s life.
Last week we were discussing end time events, God’s protection, and a little bit about the Protestant reformers. The client brought up having a conversation with his roommate about the same thing along with some biblical history. God made it perfectly clear that He had paved the way to share these books.
September 26, 2020
I prayed for God to open up a way that I could speak to someone regarding a sensitive issue.
He paved the way to do exactly that. And what a blessing!
September 21, 2020
I pray every morning for God‘s will to be done, for His protective wall to be built around me and my family and those on my prayer list. I also had prayed for the Bible study, that the Holy Spirit would impress our hearts and open eyes to the truths of His Word!
As I was on my way to give a Bible study, two vehicles pulled out in front of me as I was about to enter the intersection. The second vehicle stopped right in front of me. Normally, this would be a situation for panic, but God made a path of escape! He took control of the wheel as I swerved behind the car into the turning lane with just enough space before the next vehicle coming up to the intersection. Then I maneuvered safely back into the lane I was supposed to be in. I could not have done this myself. I’m so thankful to God for guiding my mind and hands safely. And there was no fear! When I arrived at the home for Bible study, I noticed something wrong with my friend. She had fallen the day before and was thinking she wasn’t up to studying together, but she decided it was important to be there. Clearly, the devil did not want the study to take place! We were studying end-time events and the signs of Jesus’ second coming.
August 18, 2020
I prayed for help during my deposition on a legal matter and was concerned about saying the right things.
The Lord put the word “truth” in my mind and then helped me give clear answers to bring light to the matter in question. I did not realize until after the grueling three hours of questions how much Jesus’ words “the truth shall set you free” meant. He is the truth and He set me free. Speaking the truth saved me from any worry about saying the right things and made me a strong witness for what is right and true. What a truly awesome God we have!