Backpacks for Christ

Each year we put together funds, bus passes, hygiene items, stocking hats, Bibles, and Step to Christ to distribute to over 1500 homeless, veterans, and people in need at five separate locations in the Phoenix area on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in conjunction with the St. Vincent De Paul Society. 

What originally started as one father, Jim Curley, and his 7-year-old son, Jett, handing out some blankets and gloves on Christmas morning, has grown into a ministry that has impacted thousands for the last 10 years.  Although Jim passed away in January of 2017 his legacy of love will shine for many years.

Jim Curley’s vision was to have each detail of the project humanize the experience for all the folks receiving the backpacks.  From families putting together items for the bags to church members sharing their favorite Bible verse on a bag tag.  It takes many volunteers to make each part of this loving ministry work. This project raises Donations throughout the year.

See the video below for more information about Backpacks for the Christ ministry at Camelback.

How to get involved

Contact the church secretary, Cherie Oberlick. She will add you to the volunteer list.

For distribution dates, watch the buzz in the church around the first week of December and sign up then to volunteer to fill the backpacks and have an impact at one of the five give-away locations.